Friday, September 3, 2010

Canyons School district

OK OK so I heard about the Canyons school district sending a letter to the parents of the students letting them know that President Obama is giving a talk to all students.On the letter is a option for the parents to opt their kids out of it........ Really People, come on why would you ban your kids from that.You know regardless of whether or not you agree with his policies you should respect the position that the man holds. And honestly how much "damage" do you think he can really do  to your kid in such a small amount of time. Why don't you people start acting like parents and talk with your kids. Use it as a opportunity to bond with them and to create an open dialog with them to teach them what your beliefs are. Rather than stopping  them from hearing from someone that has  different ideological values  from you. That's something that communists do!!!!! Whats really sad is not that the canyons school district sent that letter out, but that they felt like they had too. To cover themselves because of all the ridiculousness that went on last year because of the same thing. " ohh no he is going to indoctrinate my kids with his liberal agenda" Evan if that was his goal. If your kids are that easily brainwashed as to alter their philosophical ideas because of what someone said during at best a hour and a half message than you need to spend more time with your kids building mental strength.And you have much bigger problems on your hands..

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