Tuesday, September 7, 2010

So called Pastor

I am amazed at the Huge contradiction that comes from a "pastor" in Florida, at the Dove world outreach center. He is organizing a protest of the 9-11 attacks by having a Quran burning. First of all it was a insane rouge fringe group hiding behind a religion  that carried out the attacks it was NOT Muslims. Kind of like how Nazi's hide behind Christianity. Just because Nazi's hide behind Christianity that doesn't mean that's how Christians are. In fact I, as a Christian would be very offended if I was put under that same classification as them. That is what this "Pastor" is doing though. Simply because this rouge group hides behind Islam he is grouping every Muslim together. That is misguided and bigoted of him and anyone who participates in that.I can't believe the audacity of him to call himself a pastor, someone who teaches the teachings of Jesus. That is not what Jesus would do.

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