My last 2 blogs where about stuff in the news. So I decided to change it a lil, and write about a thought I had today . As I was walking to my car after work I noticed someone parked right next to my car. I mean right next to my car. So close I almost had to climb through the passenger side. That really pissed me off. I was going to leave a note for them to tell them off. But then a thought hit me I don't know why they parked like that. for all I know they could have rushed there because a loved one was was sent there in a emergency or something. Sure they could have been a inconsiderate dick. But they just as easily could have rushed there cuz someone was dieing. And how bad would I feel if that was the case and here I am telling them off in a note. I know I probably would never see them but none the less in the afterlife if that was the case and I did that I'd feel terrible. So anyways I didn't leave a note I was able to get in my car. My thought for today is don't just jump to doing things put yourself in other peoples shoes and think what they might be going through before acting.
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